How to Use "Lost" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words lost (adj): unable to find the way; unable to be found


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Used with verbs:

"We got lost in the woods."
(got, be: was/were)

"I feel lost without my cell phone."
(feel, be: is/am/are, look)

Used with adverbs:

"By evening time they were completely lost."
(completely, hopelessly, totally, very)

"He looked rather lost and lonely in the crowd."
(rather, a bit, a little)

Used with nouns:

"She was walking around with a lost expression on her face."
(expression, look)

"We regret the lost opportunity."

"Archaeologists discovered a lost world."
(world, city)

"We gave up because it was a lost cause."

"Did they ever find the lost child?"
(child, boy, girl, man, woman)

"They recovered the lost ship."
(ship, boat, airplane, vehicle)

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