How to Use "Love" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words love (v): to like very much; to feel great affection for someone


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Used with adverbs:

"He loved his wife dearly."
(dearly, deeply, passionately, very much)

"I absolutely love your new car."
(absolutely, totally, really, truly)

"Everyone wants to be loved unconditionally."

"He secretly loved his neighbor."
(secretly, simply)

"I personally love classical music."

Study Vocabulary Words love (n): an intense feeling of deep affection


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Used with adjectives:

"She couldn't hide her deep love for him."
(deep, great, intense, passionate, tender, genuine, pure, real, sincere, true, obsessive)

"You have my undying love."
(undying, unfailing, steadfast, unconditional)

"He was very excited about his new-found love."
(new-found, secret)

"They share a mutual love for one another."
(mutual, forbidden, lasting, lifelong, selfless)

Used with verbs:

"She feels no love for him."
(feels, have)

"He had never experienced true love until now."
(experienced, known, discovered, found)

"The couple tried to rekindle their love for each other."
(rekindle, rediscover)

"They have earned love and respect from many people."

"You need to prove your love for her."
(prove, demonstrate, express, show)

"He publicly declared his love for her."
(declared, confessed, proclaimed, professed)

"I don't deserve their love."

"She didn't return his love."
(return, reciprocate, doubt)

Used with nouns:

"They were involved in a love affair."
(affair, triangle)

"He has no love life."

"She sent him several love letters."
(letters, notes, poems, songs)

"Who plays his love interest in the movie?"

"The witch made a love potion."
(potion, spell)

Used with prepositions:

"He did it all for love."
(for, out of)

"We are very much in love."

"There is no greater love than the love between a mother and a child."

"She expressed her love for him."

"He has a great love of horses."

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