How to Use "Lower" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words lower (v): to move someone or something in a downward direction


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Used with adverbs:

"They carefully lowered the coffin into the ground."
(carefully, gently, gradually, slowly)

"She quickly lowered her voice to a whisper."

"I lowered down the curtains to block out the sun."

Used with prepositions:

"The pilot carefully lowered the helicopter onto the roof."

"He lowered himself down to the ground."

"They lowered the coffin into the ground."

Used with nouns:

"The city lowered the speed limit."
(speed limit, drinking age)

"She lowered her arm."
(arm, voice)

"She needs to lower her cholesterol."
(cholesterol, blood pressure, consumption, voice, expectations, expenses, intake)

"We negotiated to lower the payment."
(payment, bill, price, cost, fee)

"Please lower the volume."
(volume, temperature, blinds, shade)

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