How to Use "Meet" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words meet (v): to come together; to satisfy


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Used with verbs:

"We arranged to meet at the store."
(arranged, be + able to, be + unable to)

"I failed to meet him."

"We happened to meet at school."
(happened to, can)

Used with nouns:

"This doesn't meet the definition."

"I want to meet the challenge."
(challenge, need, expectations, enemy)

"We met the people at the airport."
(people, family)

"She finally met her demise."
(demise, end, fate, destiny, death)

"I finally met my idol."
(idol, neighbor)

"We met all of the obligations."
(obligations, qualifications, deadlines, criteria)

"We were not able to meet the quota."
(quota, demand, objective)

"Where did you meet your wife?"
(wife, husband)

Used with adverbs:

"Can we meet again?"
(again, later, personally, in person)

"I met her once."
(once, briefly, secretly, privately, first)

"We met face-to-face."
(face-to-face, regularly, online, eventually)

"We finally met."
(finally, never)

"We first met at school."
(first, once)

"We regularly meet at the library."
(regularly, frequently, often)

"I finally met her parents."
(finally, eventually, never, briefly, personally)

"We privately meet at his house."
(privately, secretly)

"I want to meet her in person."
(in person, face to face)

Used with prepositions:

"I will meet with her tomorrow."

"We are meeting at the park."

"We can meet for an hour."

Study Vocabulary Words meet (n): a sports tournament


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Used with adjectives:

"I went to the track meet."
(track, swim, sports)

"I have a big meet coming up."
(bid, major, championship)

Used with verbs:

"My parents are attending my swim meet."
(be + attending, be + going to)

"I missed the track meet due to oversleeping."

"We won the championship meet."

Used with prepositions:

"I saw him at the swim meet."

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