How to Use "Metal" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words metal (n): a solid shiny substance that can be melted and formed into shapes


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Used with verbs:

"The welder melted the metal into shapes."
(melted, melted down, welded)

"The gate is made of metal."
(be + made of, be +made out of, be + made from)

Used with nouns:

"We're using a metal pipe."
(pipe, bar, plate, pole, rod, sheet, tube)

"The material is a metal alloy."

"I find coins with a metal detector."

"We found a metal object in the sand."
(object, box)

"They installed a metal door."
(door, fence, gate, railing, roof)

Used with adjectives:

"He collects precious metals."

"The roof is made of corrugated metal."
(corrugated, sheet, dull)

"This gate is solid metal."
(solid, pure)

"I was distracted by the shiny metal."
(shiny, polished, shining, silver, gleaming)

"He sculpted something out of soft metal."
(soft, scrap, liquid, galvanized, rusty)

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