How to Use "Milk" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words milk (n): the white liquid that is produced by female cows


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Used with verbs:

"I drink milk every day."

"Do you take milk with your tea?"
(take, have, like)

"She added milk to the oatmeal."

"I heat milk for my children."
(heat, heat up, warm)

"She spilled milk on the table."

"Female cows produce milk."

"The milk has gone bad."
(has gone)

Used with nouns:

"My kids love milkshakes."

"Milk bottles are recyclable."
(bottle, cartons, containers, jugs)

"I like using milk chocolate in my cookies."

"The milk crates were stacked against the wall."

"Milk production is increasing."
(production, supply)

"Many kids have milk allergies these days."

Used with adjectives:

"We buy dried milk."
(dried, pasteurized, homogenized, raw, 1%, 2%, skim, whole, soy, coconut, organic)

"The milk is sour."
(sour, spoiled)

"We need condensed milk for the recipe."
(condensed, evaporated, powdered)

"My children like chocolate milk."
(chocolate, strawberry, warm, steamed, cold)

"She feeds her baby breast milk."

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