How to Use "Miss" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words miss (v): to fail to hit and catch something; to a fail to meet or see someone; to feel sad because you want to see someone


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Used with nouns:

"The bullet missed my heart."
(bullet, shot)

"He missed the mark."
(mark, ball, target)

"She always misses the point."

"I missed the train this morning."
(train, call, deadline, appointment, boat, flight, connection, bus, plane)

"We missed the chance to say something."
(chance, opportunity)

"She missed her class."
(class, turn)

"He missed the cue again."
(cue, stop, exit)

Used with adverbs:

"I almost missed the plane."
(almost, just)

"He completely missed the shot."
(completely, totally, nearly, barely, easily, somehow)

"He barely missed the target."

"We really miss them."
(really, greatly, desperately)

"I miss him very much."
(very much, terribly, dearly, badly)

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