How to Use "Mother" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words mother (n): mom


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Used with verbs:

"She resembles her mother."
(resembles, takes after, looks like)

"She inherited her cooking skills from her mother."

Used with adjectives:

"She has a surrogate mother."
(surrogate, adoptive, foster)

"I am your birth mother."
(birth, real, biological)

"She was a teen mother."
(teen, teenage)

"My mother is unmarried."
(unmarried, single, unwed, widowed, divorced, elderly)

"I was raised by a devoted mother."
(devoted, proud, doting, bad, unfit, abusive)

"She is a first-time mother."
(first-time, new, stay-at-home, working, young)

"I am a stay-at-home mother."
(stay-at-home, full-time)

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