How to Use "Necessary" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words necessary (adj): that is needed; must happen and cannot be avoided


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Used with verbs:

"Getting involved has become necessary."
(has become, be: is/am/are)

"He doesn't feel it is necessary."

"We found it necessary to go."
(found, considered, thought)

"This doesn't seem necessary."
(seem, appear)

Used with nouns:

"I am missing some necessary information."
(information, data, paperwork, papers, parts)

"We don't have the necessary ingredients."
(ingredients, equipment, tools)

"He doesn't have the necessary training."
(training, skills, qualifications)

"We took the necessary actions."
(actions, steps, measures, procedures, precautions)

"Do you have the necessary permit?"
(permit, document, expertise)

"There are a few necessary preparations."
(preparations, repairs, requirements)

"I made some necessary improvements."
(improvements, adjustments)

Used with adverbs:

"This action is hardly necessary."
(hardly, really, absolutely, strictly)

"The operation is medically necessary."

Used with prepositions:

"I will call you when necessary."
(when, if, as)

"Just vacuum where necessary."
(where, when, if)

"Air is necessary for survival."

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