How to Use "Need" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words need (v): to want or have to do something because it is important


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Used with nouns:

"They need money."
(money, shelter, food, water, air, time)

"I need a shower."
(shower, bath, band aid, break, shave, bathroom, drink, hand, haircut, vacation)

"She needs friendship."
(friendship, companionship, comfort, affection, company)

"She needs a favor."
(favor, dictionary)

"He needs affection."
(affection, care, confirmation, closure)

"We need your cooperation."
(cooperation, authorization, protection, identification, permission)

"They just need more discipline."
(discipline, assurance, approval)

"I need more consideration."
(consideration, equipment, preparation, donations, volunteers, proof, exercise)

"I need counseling."
(counseling, a ride, a visa, reassurance)

"I need an explanation for this."
(explanation, answer, receipt, permit)

"You will need a few references."
(references, adjustments)

"She needs medical attention."
(attention, treatment, assistance, help)

"I need some sleep."
(sleep, structure, therapy)

"She needs supervision."
(supervision, guidance, sympathy, support, encouragement)

"The car needs maintenance."
(maintenance, a wash, service, improvements, repairs)

"We need practice."
(practice, instructions, insurance)

Used with adverbs:

"He clearly needs some help."
(clearly, probably, obviously, just)

"She only needs a few things."
(only, still, desperately, really)

"I simply need a place to stay."
(simply, urgently, no longer)

"I badly needed someone to talk to."
(badly, certainly, definitely)

Study Vocabulary Words need (n): something that someone must have or must do because it is important


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Used with adjectives:

"There is a great need for smaller class sizes."
(great, big, strong, special, real, true, clear)

"There is an overwhelming need for donations at the local food bank."
(overwhelming, urgent, desperate, serious, immediate, sudden)

"We have an increasing need for nurses at this hospital."
(increasing, growing, increased)

"There is a possible need to reduce staff."

"How can we meet your individual needs?"
(individual, personal)

Used with verbs:

"I feel the need to do more charity work."
(feel, have)

"Voters have expressed the need for more police security."
(expressed, shown, suggested, indicated)

"Let's not ignore the needs of the homeless people."
(ignore, deny, overlook)

"I am trying to understand your needs?"
(understand, meet, consider, support)

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