How to Use "Not" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words not (adv): at no time; used when making something negative


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Used with verbs:

"You may not go to the concert."
(go, attend)

"It did not rain today."
(rain, snow)

"I am not happy."
(happy, mad, sad, angry) *many additional adjectives

"They did not arrive on time."
(arrive, come)

"She did not come home last night."
(come, return)

"He did not make it on the football team."
(make it, get)

"They are not going to the party."
(be + going, be + attending)

"I am not having fun."
(be + having)

"He did not see us."
(see, talk to, speak to)

"She does not appreciate anything."
(appreciate, feel, want, like)

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