How to Use "Nurse" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words nurse (n): someone who medically takes care of people when they are sick, usually in a hospital or doctor's office


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Used with nouns:

"I trained to be a nurse practitioner."

"I called the nurse hotline with a medical question."
(hotline, helpline)

Used with adjectives:

"She is a registered nurse."
(registered, assistant, certified, licensed, emergency room, school, pediatric, retired)

"She is the head nurse at the hospital."
(head, senior)

Used with verbs:

"My mom is a nurse."
(be: is/am/are, be: was/were)

"She became a nurse after college."

"My sister is studying to be a nurse."
(be + studying, be + training)

"Somebody call the nurse!"
(call, ask for)

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