How to Use "Old" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words old (adj): not young; having lived a long time; not new; of a certain age


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Used with verbs:

"She seems very old for her age."
(seems, looks, feels, be: is/am/are)

"She's getting wiser as she grows older."
(grows, gets, becomes)

"This jacket is really old."
(be: is/am/are)

Used with nouns:

"I saw an old girlfriend today."
(girlfriend, boyfriend, friend, acquaintance)

"That is old news to us."

"We should respect old people."
(people, legends, folks)

"That is the old way of doing things."

"They lived to a very old age."

"An old lady lives next door."
(lady, woman, person, man, couple)

"We saw an old movie."

"This song is an old favorite."

"They came from the old country."
(country, world)

"I told her an old story."

"We are trying to get rid of old clothes."
(clothes, habits)

"They live in an old building."
(building, home, house)

"I know many old songs."
(songs, stories, jokes, customs)

"Have a look at these old photographs."

"Her clothes are of old fashion."
(fashion, style)

Used with adverbs:

"He is too old to be playing on the swings."

"She is old enough to drive."

"They are tearing down a very old house."
(very, extremely, fairly)

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