How to Use "Pain" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words pain (n): a bad or unpleasant physical feeling; unhappiness


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Used with verbs:

"My grandfather suffers from arthritis pain in his joints."
(suffers from, has, feels, experiences, gets)

"If you have a child, you will go through a lot of pain."
(go through, be in)

"This pill will alleviate the pain in your back."
(alleviate, ease, dull, lessen, numb, reduce, relieve, stop, manage, treat, minimize)

"Sometimes my legs hurt, but usually I can ignore the pain."
(ignore, withstand, stand, endure, bear)

"Exercising with an injured leg will only increase the pain."
(increase, intensify, worsen)

"If you don't rest for a few days, the pain will get worse."
(get worse, worsen, grow stronger)

"The pain began when I stopped jogging every day."
(began, started, returned, came back, subsided, went away, disappeared)

"The pain comes and goes at least once a day."
(comes and goes, comes)

"Inflicting pain on someone else is cruel."

"This shot may cause a little pain, but it will go away quickly."

"It is normal to feel emotional pain after the death of a loved one."
(feel, be in, experience, have, go through)

"Seeing a psychologist may help to heal the pain of a traumatic event."
(heal, relieve, get over)

"It is hard to live with the pain of losing a child."
(live with, withstand, endure, bear, hide, conceal)

Used with nouns:

"Take this pain medication before you go to sleep every night."
(medication, medicine, killer, pill, reliever)

"This doctor specializes in pain management."
(management, relief)

"You can expect some minor pain symptoms."

"The pain level depends on your health."
(level, amount)

"Women have a higher pain tolerance than men."
(tolerance, threshold)

Used with adjectives:

"After the car accident he was in excruciating pain for several months."
(excruciating, great, agonizing, acute, extreme, unbearable, intense, severe, terrible, unimaginable, debilitating)

"When the weather is cold I feel constant pain in my leg."
(constant, persistent)

"She's feeling slight pain in her chest."
(slight, mild)

"As we age, it is normal to experience joint pain."
(joint, shoulder, back, stomach, leg, muscle, chest, bodily, physical, recurrent, intermittent)

"There is a dull pain in my chest."
(dull, nagging, chronic, slight, stabbing, burning, shooting, searing, sudden)

"The emotional pain of divorce can take years to heal."
(emotional, great, enormous, immense, terrible, unspeakable)

"He was in a lot of pain after his wife left him for another man."
(a lot of, great, enormous, immense, terrible, unspeakable)

Used with prepositions:

"I have pain in both legs."

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