How to Use "Period" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words period (n): a length of time; menstruation; punctuation for ending a sentence


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Used with verbs:

"The country is entering a period of peace."
(be + entering)

"The trial period ends today."
(ends, starts, begins)

"The book covers a period of two hundred years."
(covers, spans)

"He experienced a long period of suffering."
(experienced, endured)

"She thought she was pregnant because she missed her period."
(missed, skipped)

"She got her period at 13."
(got, had, started)

"Put a period at the end of a sentence."
(put, add)

Used with nouns:

"I get severe period cramps."

Used with adjectives:

"They were gone for a long period of time."
(long, lengthy, extended, brief, short)

"You have to be committed to this project for a set period."
(set, fixed, specified, certain)

"The initial period is the hardest."
(initial, transition, trial, waiting)

"That was a happy period of her life."
(happy, dark, difficult)

"She got her menstrual period today."

"She has heavy periods."
(heavy, light)

"Periods are monthly."

Used with prepositions:

"We listened to her for a period of time."
(for, over, after)

"I lived there for a period of five months."

"There will be a brief period between meetings."

"Add a period to the end of the sentence."
(to, at)

"I learned to speak English in a short period of time."
(in, during)

"During the period from June to August, I worked at a farm."

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