How to Use "Physical" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words physical (adj): something that is seen or felt


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Used with nouns:

"Most students have to take physical education in high school."

"I had a lot of physical pain after the accident."

"Daily physical activity keeps you healthy."
(activity, exercise)

"I have to go to physical therapy three times a week."
(therapy, rehab, rehabilitation)

"She is studying to become a physical therapist."
(therapist, trainer)

"Before you travel, you need a physical exam."
(exam, examination)

"Physical appearance doesn't matter as much as personality."

"They buried his physical remains."

"There is no physical evidence that he killed her."

"Physical health is the most important thing."

"Scientists study the physical world."
(world, universe)

"He is studying physical fitness in school."
(fitness, development)

"We have not had any physical contact."

"Am I in physical danger?"

"It's only physical attraction."

"Your physical surroundings are important."
(surroundings, environments)

"Physical violence is a serious problem."
(violence, abuse)

"My physical ability is limited by my height."
(ability, strength)

"His physical presence makes me nervous."

"She is in great physical condition."

"You will not experience any physical sensations."
(sensations, harm)

"We may need to use physical restraint."

"She is risking her physical safety."

Used with verbs:

"The attraction is strictly physical."
(be: is/am/are)

"It was getting too physical."
(be + getting, be + becoming, be + turning)

Used with adverbs:

"Their attraction is purely physical."
(purely, strictly)

"The fight turned almost physical."

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