How to Use "Play" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words play (v): to take part in a fun activity or game; to perform; to use a musical instrument


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Used with nouns:

"I play the violin."
(violin, piano, flute, clarinet, horn) *many additional nouns

"We play chess every Friday night."
(chess, poker, cards)

"I want to play an instrument."
(instrument, game, sport)

"We play baseball."
(baseball, golf, basketball) *many additional nouns

"The band played a song."
(song, encore, melody, tune, concert)

"He plays the lottery every week."

"He played the video."
(music, video, CD, tape)

"The band played well."
(band, orchestra)

"The actor played an interesting character."
(character, role, part)

"I played a chord on the piano."
(chord, note)

"She played a trick on me."
(trick, prank, joke)

"They played a game."
(game, tournament, match)

"Our team played yesterday."

"He plays defense on the football team."
(defense, offense, center, forward)

Used with adverbs:

"The children play together."
(together, nicely)

"She played badly today."
( badly, poorly, well)

"He plays alone."

"The band played live."

Used with prepositions:

"I want to play with my friends."

"He played a song on the piano."
(on, with)

"We played at the park."
(at, in)

"Our team played against them."

"He is playing in the sand."

"He plays for our team."
(for, on)

Study Vocabulary Words play (n): a fun activity; a story acted out on stage or in a theater; an action in a sports game


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Used with verbs:

"We saw the new play."
(saw, watched)

"She is performing in the play."
(be + performing)

"The famous critic is reviewing the play."
(be + reviewing)

"The referee stopped the play."

Used with adjectives:

"My kids love outdoor play."
(outdoor, creative, pretend)

"He starred in a Broadway play."
(Broadway, musical, school)

"That was a bad play by the defense."
(bad, good, excellent, fair, dirty, dangerous, rough, big)

Used with prepositions:

"The play is about a family."

"The play is at the local theater."

"The ball is in play."
(in, out of)

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