How to Use "Position" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words position (n): a place; an opinion or point of view; a situation; the way someone is sitting or standing; a particular job


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Used with verbs:

"Take your position."
(take, assume, hold, maintain)

"I applied for a position at the bank."
(applied for, accepted, got, found, received, took, have)

"I offered him a position in my company."
(offered, gave)

"She supports his position on the issue."
(supports, agrees with, disagrees with, adopts, opposes)

"I resigned from my position at the company."
(resigned from, changed)

"They finally filled the managerial position."

"He put me in a difficult position."
(put, placed)

"She tried to defend her position."
(defend, explain, justify)

Used with adjectives:

"Please take your original positions."
(original, starting)

"I have a part-time position at the company."
(part-time, full-time, managerial, entry-level)

"You have put me in an awkward position."
(awkward, uncomfortable, difficult, embarrassing, similar)

"He is in a strong position to help us."
(strong, great, financial, economic, perfect, ideal, good)

"We're in the same position."

"The dancer was in a kneeling position."
(kneeling, standing)

"She was in a sitting position on the floor."
(sitting, crouched, fetal, sleeping, uncomfortable, comfortable)

"He has a comfortable position in the government."
(comfortable, high, important, senior)

"He holds an unpopular position on that topic."

"My current position is well paid."
(current, present)

"My official position has changed."
(official, economic)

"The board is in a horizontal position."
(horizontal, upright, vertical)

Used with prepositions:

"I am in a difficult position."
"She is in a seated position."
"He has an important position in the government."

"She was put into an awkward position."
"She got into a standing position."

"I assumed the position of manager."

"My position on this issue is firm."
(on, toward)

"I just got a position at the flower store."

"His position within the company is safe."
(within, at, in)

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