How to Use "Possess" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words possess (v): to own; to have something


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Used with nouns:

"He possesses a natural gift."
(gift, ability, talent)

"Can you legally possess firearms in this state?"
(firearms, guns, weapons)

"She possesses the right qualifications for the job."
(qualifications, characteristics, knowledge, skills)

"He was arrested for possessing drugs."
(drugs, marijuana, heroine, cocaine)

"She possesses great wealth."
(wealth, potential, knowledge, interest)

"Applicants must possess great communication skills."
(communication skills, attention-to-detail)

"The country is being investigated for possessing nuclear weapons."
(nuclear weapons, biological chemical weapons)

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Next Word by Letter: possession
Previous Word by Frequency: pool
Next Word by Frequency: possibility

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