How to Use "Presence" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words presence (n): the act of being in a specific place; the area close to someone or something


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Used with verbs:

"She did not acknowledge his presence."
(acknowledge, require, request, sense, detect, feel, recognize)

"He increased his presence at work."
(increased, established)

"The test indicates the presence of the virus."
(indicates, reveals, shows, suggests, confirms)

Used with adjectives:

"Her mere presence bothers me."
(mere, physical, visible)

"He had a commanding presence at work."
(commanding, dominant, powerful, strong, significant)

"There is growing presence of police in the area."
(growing, increased, increasing)

"He is a constant presence in my life."
(constant, permanent, significant, comforting)

"He has great stage presence."

Used with prepositions:

"I was in the presence of greatness."

"I was nervous in her presence."

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