How to Use "Problem" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words problem (n): something that is hard or difficult to handle; a question to solve or figure out


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Used with adjectives:

"A leaky roof is a big problem."
(big, huge, enormous, great, serious)

"He was trying to hide the real problem."

"We have a minor problem."
(minor, little, slight)

"The surgeons were faced with a very difficult problem."
(difficult, hard, complicated, complex, tough)

"Unemployment is a growing problem."
(growing, rising)

"The main problem at work is the lack of motivation."
(main, major, number-one)

"He does not understand basic problems."
(basic, fundamental)

"Doctors are trying to find the underlying problem that is causing his stomach pains."

"Car theft is a common problem in this neighborhood."

"We must stop any possible problems from happening."
(possible, potential)

"We are looking into the unresolved problems again."
(unresolved, unsolved)

"He has a drinking problem."
(drinking, alcohol, drug, gambling)

"I don't want to hear about your personal problems."

"She is having financial problems."
(financial, economic, money, social)

"They are having marital problems."
(marital, marriage, communication)

"He can solve any math problem."

"I wish I had easy problems."
(easy, simple)

Used with verbs:

"The lifelong criminal is a problem to society."
(be: is/am/are, poses, remains)

"She developed a gambling problem."
(developed, has)

"She causes problems wherever she goes."
(causes, brings, makes, creates)

"Do not complicate problems with rumors."
(complicate, compound)

"He is faced with many health problems."
(be + faced with, be+ confronted with, suffers from)

"He admitted to having a drinking problem."
(admitted to, acknowledged to, recognized to)

"I understand the problem."
(understand, see)

"Do you anticipate any problems?"
(anticipate, foresee, expect)

"We are trying to identify the problem."
(identify, find, spot)

"The alarm indicated a problem."
(indicated, pointed out)

"We will assess the problem as soon as possible."
(assess, examine, investigate, study)

"The doctors are trying to diagnose the problem."
(diagnose, figure out)

"Let's discuss the problem."
(discuss, talk about)

"Describe the problem to me."
(describe, explain)

"There is no way to avoid the problem."
(avoid, get around, escape, prevent, overlook, ignore)

"How can we solve the problem?"
(solve, correct, eliminate, fix, resolve, settle)

"The city is trying to ease the problem of traffic congestion."
(ease, minimize, reduce, relieve)

"Health problems arise more often in the elderly."
(arise, occur, happen, surface)

"Where did the problem begin?"
(begin, start, originate)

Used with nouns:

"She is working on her problem areas."
(areas, spots)

"Her son is a problem child."

Used with prepositions:

"She has a problem about spending too much money."

"Her attitude is a problem for the teacher."

"She has a problem with everyone."

"How are we going to solve the problem of unemployment?"

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