How to Use "Professional" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words professional (n): someone who has a job that requires special training or education


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Used with verbs:

"I should get advice from a professional."
(get advice from, take advice from, find, go to, talk to, talk with, speak to, speak with, consult)

Used with adjectives:

"He is a medical professional."
(medical, business, legal, computer, design, tax)

"You should look for a licensed professional."
(licensed, certified, experienced, qualified)

"This was done by a real professional."
(real, true, skilled, trained)

"She is a senior professional at the office."
(senior, leading, top)

Study Vocabulary Words professional (adj): related to a job that requires special training or education; appropriate for a working environment


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Used with nouns:

"She is a professional artist."
(artist, athlete, actor, actress, singer) *many additional nouns

"I got a professional opinion."

"He plays professional baseball."
(baseball, basketball, football, gold, soccer, tennis, sports) *many additional nouns

"She needs professional help."
(help, assistance, training)

Used with adverbs:

"Their relationship is purely professional."
(purely, strictly)

"She behaves very professional at work."
(very, extremely, fairly, highly, truly, totally)

Used with verbs:

"He is very professional."
(be: is/am/are, looks, seems, sounds)

"Let's keep things professional."

"We must remain professional about this."

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