How to Use "Progress" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words progress (n): the development or improvement of something


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Used with verbs:

"I have been following his progress."
(following, tracking, monitoring, charting, observing, watching)

"Have you made any progress yet?"

"He is hindering our progress."
(be + hindering, be + blocking, be + stopping, be + slowing, be + slowing down)

"He is showing a lot of progress so far."
(be+ showing, be+ experiencing, be+ displaying, be + demonstrating)

"Let's check her progress."
(check, mark, measure, review)

Used with nouns:

"He receives a monthly progress report."

Used with adjectives:

"She has made considerable progress on the project."
(considerable, good, excellent, great, real, further, forward, fast)

"There has been good medical progress in recent years."
(medical, scientific, technological)

"There has been little progress on the book."
(little, slow, limited)

"We need to monitor the economic progress of this country."
(economic, social, academic, educational)

Used with prepositions:

"The plan is in progress."

"They haven't made progress with the plans."

"Have you had much progress on the house?"

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Next Word by Letter: project
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