How to Use "Prompt" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words prompt (v): to cause something to happen


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Used with nouns:

"Her behavior prompted allegations of abuse."
(allegations, accusations, complaints, speculations)

"His actions prompted an outcry."
(outcry, discussion, response)

"The evidence prompted a trial."
(trial, investigation, inquiry, search)

"Her involvement was prompted by curiosity."
(curiosity, interest, concern)

Study Vocabulary Words prompt (adj): on time; happening quickly


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Used with nouns:

"We offer prompt service."
(service, delivery)

"I was surprised at the prompt arrival of the package."

"Her reply was very prompt."
(reply, decision, payment, removal, dismissal, action)

"We appreciate your prompt care to this matter."
(care, attention, consideration, help, response)

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