How to Use "Quiet" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words quiet (n): silence


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Used with verbs:

"The quiet was shattered by the crash."
(be + shattered, be + broken, be + followed)

Used with adjectives:

"I look forward to periods of relative quiet."
(relative, total)

"There was a sudden quiet in the house."
(sudden, eerie)

Study Vocabulary Words quiet (adj): silent; without noise or sound


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Used with verbs:

"She is very quiet right now."
(be: is/am/are)

"The room fell quiet."
(fell, became, grew, went)

"We kept quiet about the surprise party."
(kept, stayed)

"It seemed quiet in the neighborhood."
(seemed, looked)

Used with nouns:

"We live in a quiet suburb."
(suburb, village, neighborhood)

"Let's have a moment of quiet reflection."

"It has been a quiet evening."
(evening, day, morning, afternoon)

"He is a quiet man."

"He lives a quiet existence."
(existence, life)

"She spoke in a quiet voice."
(voice, whisper)

Used with adverbs:

"Her daughter is very quiet."
(very, extremely, unusually, awfully)

"The room was oddly quiet."
(oddly, strangely, perfectly, deathly, eerily, completely)

Used with prepositions:

"Be quiet about what happened."

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