How to Use "Recommend" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words recommend (v): to suggest that someone or something is good or worthy; to give advice


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Used with nouns:

"The doctor recommends surgery."
(doctor, veterinarian)

"My doctor recommends rest."
(rest, surgery, treatment, exercise)

"Experts recommend a balanced diet."

"The committee recommended a change."
(committee, panel)

"I recommended this restaurant to everyone I know."
(restaurant, book, doctor, dentist)

Used with adverbs:

"I highly recommend that restaurant."
(highly, strongly, personally, certainly, definitely)

"The teacher generally recommends this book to her students."
(generally, typically, strongly, specifically)

Used with prepositions:

"We recommend her for the job."

"He recommended this place to anyone who likes Indian food."

Previous Word by Letter: recognize
Next Word by Letter: recommendation
Previous Word by Frequency: recipe
Next Word by Frequency: relevant

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