How to Use "Reduce" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words reduce (v): to make smaller or less


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Used with nouns:

"I want to reduce my cholesterol."
(cholesterol, blood pressure, stress)

"We need to reduce the amount of waste produced here."
(amount, volume)

"We have to reduce our spending."
(spending, workforce, budget, inventory)

"We need to reduce clutter in our house."

"How can we reduce crime?"
(crime, unemployment, pollution, waste, smog, inflation, debt, taxes)

"The judge reduced my sentence."

"The medication should reduce the symptoms."
(symptoms, swelling, temperature, fever, sensitivity, pain)

"Due to the slow economy, revenue has been reduced."
(revenue, productivity, profitability, production)

"The size has been reduced."
(size, weight, number, value, fare, cost, price)

"Wearing a seat belt reduces your risk of injury."

Used with adverbs:

"She has significantly reduced her cholesterol."
(significantly, sharply, dramatically, drastically, considerably, greatly, successfully)

"I need to further reduce my blood pressure."

"The medicine is gradually reducing the pain."

"I want to quickly reduce my pregnancy weight before our trip to Hawaii."

Used with prepositions:

"The amount was reduced from ten to seven."
(from, to)

"Her body has reduced in size."

"The liquid was reduced by half."

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