How to Use "Regret" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words regret (v): to feel bad about something


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Used with verbs:

"I came to regret it."
(came, lived)

"She seemed to regret her decision."
(seemed to, began to)

Used with nouns:

"We regretted our decision."
(decision, choice, mistake)

Used with adverbs:

"He never regretted his decision."
(never, immediately, sincerely, deeply, later, soon, quickly, instantly, greatly, seriously, truly)

Study Vocabulary Words regret (n): the feeling of sadness or disappointed for something you did or did not do


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Used with verbs:

"She showed no regret."
(showed, expressed)

"I feel no regret over my decision."
(feel, have)

Used with adjectives:

"I have sincere regrets in my life."
(sincere, deep, bitter, great, big)

Used with prepositions:

"I have regret for the decision I made."
(for, over, about)

"She lives without regret."
(without, with)

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