How to Use "Relation" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words relation (n): a connection; a family member


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Used with verbs:

"We established good relations with our neighboring country."
(established, developed, maintained, have)

"We need to sever our relations with them."
(sever, break off)

"How can we strengthen our relations?"
(strengthen, restore, improve)

Used with adjectives:

"There is a direct relation between smoking and lung cancer."
(direct, close)

"He studies international relations."
(international, foreign, labor, public)

"They have poor relations."
(poor, strained)

Used with prepositions:

"What is the relation between them?"
(between, among, with, to)

Previous Word by Letter: related
Next Word by Letter: relationship
Previous Word by Frequency: ratio
Next Word by Frequency: relieve

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