How to Use "Relief" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words relief (n): the feeling of happiness when there is no more pain or worry; help for people in need


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Used with verbs:

"The organization provided medical relief."
(provided, offered, brought, sent, gave)

"We received relief from the agency."
(received, applied for, need)

"I finally have relief from the new medication."
(have, got, found, felt)

"This comes as a relief."
(comes as)

"She experienced relief after it was over."
(experienced, expressed)

Used with nouns:

"We called the relief agency for help."
(agency, organization)

"The hurricane victims received relief packages."
(packages, aid, supplies)

"The volunteer doctors are part of the relief operation."
(operation, effort)

Used with adjectives:

"The medicine gave her pain relief."
(pain, light, great, huge)

"We experienced immense relief."
(immense, considerable, tremendous)

"We donated money for humanitarian relief."
(humanitarian, disaster, emergency, famine, flood, hurricane, tsunami, tornado)

"This warm weather is a welcome relief."

"The medicine gave him immediate relief."
(immediate, short-term, temporary)

Used with prepositions:

"I sighed in relief."
(in, with)

"We reacted in relief at the events."

"To my relief, they were not late."

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