How to Use "Repeat" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words repeat (v): to say or do again


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Used with nouns:

"History repeats itself."

"He repeated each exercise five times."
(exercise, word, experiment, phrase)

"She keeps repeating the same mistake."

"I repeated my request to the waiter."

"We repeated the cycle."
(cycle, process)

Used with adverbs:

"I repeated the poem quietly."
(quietly, slowly, softly, loudly)

"She repeated the song again."
(again, endlessly)

"He constantly repeats himself."
(constantly, often)

"I just repeated the question for the fifth time."
(just, patiently)

Used with prepositions:

"Just repeat the words after me."

"I repeated the words to myself."

Study Vocabulary Words repeat (n): something that has happened before


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Used with nouns:

"He's a repeat offender."
(offender, customer)

"This is a repeat performance."
(performance, order)

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