How to Use "Report" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words report (v): to tell about something you have seen or done


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Used with nouns:

"The newspaper reported the story."
(newspaper, article, radio, media, journalist, magazine)

"She did not report her earnings."
(earnings, taxes)

"He reported the incident to me."
(incident, news, data, story)

"He refused to report the crime."
(crime, assault, abuse, theft)

"They never reported the discovery."
(discovery, sighting, finding, disappearance)

Used with adverbs:

"The paper falsely reported the story."
(falsely, incorrectly, accurately)

"He reports back to his commander."

"It was widely reported in the news."
(widely, initially, originally, publicly)

Used with prepositions:

"I reported the incident to my boss."

"She reported on the earthquake."

"She is reporting from Asia."

Study Vocabulary Words report (n): a written or spoken description of what happened


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Used with verbs:

"He denied their reports."
(denied, delivered)

"We have a police report."

"Our report deals with new immigrants."
(deals with, examines, covers, is concerned with)

"The report looks at endangered animals."
(looks at, documents, describes, focuses on)

"He wrote a long report."
(wrote, gave, presented, compiled, drafted, drew up, typed up, released, filed, prepared)

"The report advises a new arrangement."
(advises, calls for, recommends, advocates, outlines)

"His report indicates that the medicine is effective."
(indicates, confirms, concludes, finds)

"He got my report that night."
(got, presented, listened to)

"The newspaper published my report."
(published, summarized)

"I heard the report on the radio."

"The report appeared in the evening news."
(appeared, circulated)

Used with adjectives:

"I read the weekly report."
(weekly, joint, full, written)

"She wrote a false report."
(false, good, bad, independent, lengthy, brief, detailed)

"He saw a preliminary report."
(preliminary, early)

"They received a classified report."
(classified, official, in-depth, new)

"She confirmed the recent reports."
(recent, previous, original, initial)

"Did you see the latest traffic report?"
(traffic, weather, police, press, special)

"I just read the newspaper report."
(newspaper, news, quarterly, eye-witness)

"This report is confidential."
(confidential, anonymous, disturbing)

"Did you get your progress report?"
(progress, medical, annual, monthly, yearly)

"The first report was written yesterday."
(first, final, congressional, federal, government)

"She wrote a school report."
(school, research, accident, follow-up)

Used with prepositions:

"According to the police report, he confessed to the crime."
(according to)

"They are fleeing amid reports of war."

"There is a new report about kangaroos."
(about, on)

"There's a report from the police."

"This is a report by my friend."

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