How to Use "Reputation" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words reputation (n): the opinion people have about someone


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Used with verbs:

"We have a great reputation in this town."
(have, earned)

"He destroyed my reputation."
(destroyed, ruined, damaged, tarnished, hurt)

"Can the shamed politician salvage his reputation?"
(salvage, restore, save, defend, maintain, protect)

"She deserves her reputation."

"Her reputation suffered after the scandal."

"The company's reputation is based on good reviews."
(be + based, depends on, rests on)

"He gained quite a reputation after the incident."
(gained, built, acquired, got, established)

"How can we improve the company's reputation?"

Used with adjectives:

"She has earned a solid reputation."
(solid, excellent, great, good, terrible, bad, strong)

"She has a tarnished reputation."
(tarnished, questionable)

"His professional reputation as a trustworthy individual is at risk."
(professional, personal, longstanding, public)

"He has an international reputation."
(international, growing, national, worldwide)

"The school is known for its academic reputation."
(academic, literary, scientific, historical, established)

"Her reputation as a strict teacher is well-earned."
(well-earned, well-deserved)

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