How to Use "Resolution" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words resolution (n): the act of settling a disagreement or problem


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Used with verbs:

"We finally reached a resolution."
(reached, achieved, arrived at, agreed to, approved, found)

"We need a resolution soon."
(need, require, want)

"The company offered a reasonable resolution."
(offered, provided)

"We are seeking a common resolution."
(be + seeking, be + looking for, need)

"The union backed the resolution."
(backed, supported, blocked, vetoed, passed)

"We opposed the resolution."
(opposed, rejected, adopted, voted on)

Used with adjectives:

"The panel has reached a unanimous resolution."
(unanimous, satisfactory, successful, effective)

"We are looking for a quick resolution to the problem."
(quick, early, easy, complete)

"There was a peaceful resolution."
(peaceful, joint)

"She works at conflict resolution."

Used with prepositions:

"We need to seek a resolution to the problem."

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