How to Use "Return" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words return (v): to come back; to give back


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Used with verbs:

"I forgot to return my library books."
(forgot, plan, need, intend)

"I promise to return one day."
(promise, agreed, want, hope)

"Don't forget to return the library books."
(forget to)

"She failed to return the money."
(failed to , refused to, offered to, agreed to, promised to)

"He is preparing to return to college."
(be + preparing to, be + planning to)

Used with nouns:

"She returned home early."

"My appetite is finally returning."
(appetite, strength, vision)

"I returned the book."
(book, favor)

"He returned the ball to the pitcher."

"The boat is returning soon."
(boat, train, bus)

"I returned his call."
(call, email)

Used with adverbs:

"I will return shortly."

"He recently returned from a long trip."
(recently, just)

"He promptly returned my wallet."
(promptly, immediately, quickly, finally)

"My pain slowly returned."
(slowly, suddenly, instantly, gradually, eventually)

"He reluctantly returned to school."

"He unexpectedly returned home."
(unexpectedly, voluntarily, safely, briefly)

Used with prepositions:

"I returned from work late."

"I need to return the books to the library."

Study Vocabulary Words return (n): the act of coming or giving back; the amount of profit


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Used with verbs:

"They welcomed our return."
(welcomed, celebrated, awaited, waited for, expected, anticipated, announced)

"He made a return to baseball after retirement."
(made, marked)

"I requested the return of my items."
(requested, demanded)

"I got a return on my investment."
(got, received, earned, made, achieved)

"How can I guarantee a return on my investment?"
(guaranteed, ensure, boost, improve, increase, maximize)

"I expect a return on my investment."
(expect, forecast, predict)

"Stock prices can deliver a giant return."
(deliver, generate, offer, produce, provide, show, yield)

Used with nouns:

"He bought a return ticket."

"When is your return date?"
(date, flight, trip)

"Please include a return envelope."
(envelope, address)

"I've been waiting for a return call."
(call, email, message)

Used with adjectives:

"He made a full return to health."
(full, complete, gradual)

"They are hoping for his early return."
(early, eventual, possible, fast, prompt, quick, immediate, speedy, swift, safe)

"He made a successful return to soccer after many years."
(successful, triumphant, brief, emotional)

"We're worried about diminishing returns."
(diminishing, decreasing, low, negative, poor)

"We achieved healthy returns on our investments."
(healthy, average, successful, big, excellent, good, great, high, maximum, increasing)

"What kind of overall returns can we expect from our investments?"
(overall, future, long-term, short-term, annual, monthly, potential)

Used with prepositions:

"We saw them on the day of their return from Europe."
(from, to)

"She never asks for anything in return."

"She expected a good return on her investment."

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