How to Use "Revolution" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words revolution (n): a large group of people trying to change the government; a large change; one complete turn


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Used with verbs:

"He sparked a revolution among the people."
(sparked, started, launched, led)

"The revolution occurred in May."
(occurred, took place, happened, broke out)

"The revolution toppled the government."
(toppled, overthrew)

"Cell phones created a new revolution in technology."
(created, launched, started, introduced)

"We are seeing a revolution in medical technology."
(be + seeing)

"The earth makes one revolution every 24 hours."
(makes, completes)

Used with adjectives:

"We are going through a digital revolution."
(digital, technological, electronic, industrial)

"They led a violent revolution."
(violent, peaceful, popular, quiet, successful, political)

"The wheel turned one full revolution."
(full, complete)

Used with prepositions:

"He led a revolution against the government."

"There has been a huge revolution in technology."

"The planet makes revolutions around the sun."

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