How to Use "Role" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words role (n): a part by an actor; a part someone has in an organization or job


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Used with verbs:

"She won a role in the film."
(won, got, played, had, landed)

"He plays a critical role in the company."
(plays, serves, performs, fills)

"She adopted the role of vice president until a new one was hired."
(adopted, assumed, took on, accepted)

"We should explore the roles women play in society."
(explore, examine, analyze, address)

"He fits into any role that is given to him."

Used with nouns:

"She is my role model."

"The counselor had the couple play role reversal."

Used with adjectives:

"She had a big role in my life."
(big, small, huge, significant)

"He has a supporting role in the movie."
(supporting, major, starring, lead, leading, title)

"She got the film role."
(film, TV, movie, television)

"He has a leadership role in the organization."
(leadership, prominent, key, major, critical)

"He has a crucial role in the plan."
(crucial, vital, minor, changing)

"They played an influential role in his life."
(influential, large, powerful, important)

Used with prepositions:

"This is the perfect role for her."

"What is your role in the organization?"
(in, within, at)

"Do you feel comfortable with your role as a parent?"

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