How to Use "Safety" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words safety (n): a state or place that is protected from danger


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Used with adjectives:

"The seatbelt was created for extra safety."
(extra, added, greater, increased)

"We need to be more careful about child safety."
(child, passenger, patient, worker)

"The school worked hard to increase public safety."
(public, individual, personal, physical)

"The children are learning about fire safety."
(fire, food, gun, traffic, environmental)

Used with verbs:

"The company assures safety for all workers."
(assures, ensures, guarantees)

"Pollution is threatening the safety of our planet."
(be + threatening, be + jeopardizing, be + risking, be + endangering, be + compromising)

"The hikers thought they might never reach safety."
(reach, find, get to, make it to)

Used with nouns:

"The boat has safety controls."
(controls, limits, improvements, features)

"We need to take safety precautions."
(precautions, provisions)

"Did you follow all the safety procedures?"
(procedures, measures)

"You must follow the safety rules."
(laws, guidelines, recommendations, requirements, standards, policy)

"Talk to Jim about any safety concerns."
(concerns, considerations, implications, issues, matters, tips)

"Please wear your safety glasses."
(glasses, belt, equipment, goggles, helmet)

"Is this old building a safety hazard?"
(hazard, risk)

"The building failed the safety check."
(check, inspection)

"We hired a safety inspector to inspect the building."
(inspector, official, officer)

Used with prepositions:

"Wear a helmet for safety."

"We ran to safety before the building burned down."

"She chooses to stay in the safety of her room."

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