How to Use "Senior" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words senior (adj): older in age; higher in rank or status


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Used with nouns:

"He is a senior officer in our company."
(officer, executive, manager)

"We will send our book to the senior editor."

"The senior policeman helped us."
(policeman, fireman, doctor, nurse, etc.)

"I am now in senior high school."
(high school)

"He is a senior advisor to the president."
(advisor, aide, analyst)

"We are meeting with the senior commander."
(commander, consultant, director, editor, executive, manager, official, professor, programmer, supervisor)

"Senior citizens get first priority."
(citizens, employees)

"The problem has reached senior level."
(level, management)

Used with verbs:

"He is a senior citizen."
(be: is/am/are)

Used with prepositions:

"He is senior to her."

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