How to Use "Significance" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words significance (n): the meaning or importance of something


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Used with adjectives:

"The story has enormous significance."
(enormous, great, historic, immense, major, profound, real, considerable)

"What is the wider significance of the discovery?"
(wider, broader, full, general, universal)

"This desk has special significance to my family."
(special, particular)

"That book has major cultural significance."
(cultural, historical, religious, spiritual, social, moral, political, economic)

Used with verbs:

"The ring has great significance to her mom."
(has, holds)

"We want to understand the true significance of his stories."
(understand, appreciate, grasp, recognize, see)

"Please don't attach too much significance to what he says."
(attach, assume)

"We need to determine their significance to this situation."
(determine, assess)

Used with prepositions:

"This house has a special significance for my family."

"I didn't understand the significance of the event."

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