How to Use "Single" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words single (adj): only one; not married; made for one person


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Used with nouns:

"We have a single bedroom available."
(bedroom, room, bed, table, chair, seat)

"Please write a single paragraph."
(paragraph, line, sentence, word, letter, essay, document)

"Our house has a single garage."
(garage, bedroom, bathroom)

"James is a single parent."
(parent, father)

"She is a single mother."
(mother, parent)

"Tori had a single ticket."
(ticket, pass, reservation, dollar)

Study Vocabulary Words single (n): one song on a music album; a hit in baseball that gets the runner to first base


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Used with adjectives:

"The hit single is playing on the radio."
(hit, smash, popular, famous, best-selling)

"Her debut single was a hit!"
(debut, first, breakthrough)

"The player hit a fantastic single to win the game."
(fantastic, terrific, awesome, great)

Used with verbs:

"The band will record a new single."
(record, play, produce, release)

"Their new album features the best-selling single."
(features, includes)

"He got a single in the eighth inning."
(got, had, hit)

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Next Word by Letter: sink
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