How to Use "Software" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words software (n): computer programs that perform certain functions


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Used with adjectives:

"He had to update his accounting software."
(accounting, editing, management, educational, antivirus, filtering, security, computer)

"The company invented a new face-recognition software."
(face-recognition, voice-recognition, speech-recognition)

"He has free software on his computer."
(free, pirated, illegal)

Used with verbs:

"My old computer is unable to run that software."
(run, use, download, install)

"He creates new software for his company."
(creates, designs, develops, makes, writes)

"You can buy editing software online."
(buy, sell)

"You need to update your antivirus software regularly."

Used with nouns:

"He is the new software developer for our company."
(developer, engineer)

"She just got hired by a software company."
(company, firm, maker)

"The new software program will run on both PC and Mac."
(program, application)

"The software industry is very competitive."
(industry, business)

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