How to Use "Space" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words space (n): an empty area; an available area; the area beyond the earth's atmosphere


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Used with adjectives:

"She has a wide-open space in her backyard for her two dogs."
(wide-open, open, large, big)

"My wife complains that we don't have ample living space."
(ample, adequate, enough, sufficient)

"His office has limited storage space."
(limited, little, small, tiny)

"They are looking for a vacant office space."
(vacant, available, unoccupied)

"She can't work in confined spaces."
(confined, enclosed)

"The teacher told us to fill in the blank spaces."
(blank, empty)

"He couldn't find a parking space."
(parking, retail, commercial)

"I wish I could have my own personal space."
(personal, private)

"I want to explore outer space."

Used with verbs:

"Our large sofa took up too much space."
(took up, filled, occupied, used)

"He is sharing office space with his wife."
(be + sharing)

"We need to make space for our new furniture."
(make, create, clear, save)

"We can't waste space in our small apartment."

"I want to go into outer space someday."
(go into)

Used with prepositions:

"There was no space between the bed and the wall."

Used with nouns:

"My son is fascinated by space exploration."
(exploration, science, travel, flight)

"My husband works for the space program."
(program, agency)

"The astronauts are on a space mission."

"The engineer designed the space rocket."
(rocket, shuttle, station, capsule)

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