How to Use "Spirit" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words spirit (n): the inner nature of a person; a person's energy; attitude


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Used with adjectives:

"We will miss her generous spirit."
(generous, compassionate, caring, free, independent)

"She was a guiding spirit in my early years."

"My father has a proud spirit."
(proud, brave, mean, adventurous, competitive)

"Conflict is a true test of the human spirit."

"You have the right spirit."

Used with verbs:

"This loss has dampened the team's spirit."
(dampened, broken, weakened)

"We sang songs to lift our spirits."
(lift, raise, keep up, revive)

"Even with cancer, she is full of fighting spirit."
(be + full of, has, displays, shows)

"The song really captures their spirit."
(captures, embodies, reflects, represents)

"She has the right spirit."

Used with prepositions:

"Your grandmother will always be with you in spirit."

"She sang with great spirit."

"He always had a spirit of adventure."
(of, for)

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