How to Use "Stage" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words stage (n): a particular period of growth or development; a raised platform in a theater or auditorium


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Used with adjectives:

"Children go through many growth stages in their lives."
(growth, specific, distinct, transitional, key)

"His father was in the advanced stages of cancer."
(advanced, beginning, early, final, terminal, late)

"He was entering a critical stage of his career."
(critical, formative, important, crucial, difficult)

"She is studying the life stages of insects."
(life, reproductive)

"The project is still at the planning stage."
(planning, designing, development, testing, experimental)

"She is performing on the main stage at school."
(main, concert)

"He was unwilling to take the center stage."

Used with verbs:

"People go through many stages in their lives."
(go through, move through, pass through)

"We reached a critical stage in the negotiations."
(reached, entered)

"Marriage represents an important stage in human life."
(represents, marks)

"He left the stage to continuous applause."
(left, stepped off, returned to)

"She is performing on the stage."
(be + performing on, be + on)

Used with nouns:

"Everyone was impressed with his powerful stage presence."
(presence, performance)

"She made her stage debut at the age of five."

"Her stage career lasted her whole adult life."

Used with prepositions:

"You need to take responsibility at some stage in your life."

"He almost gave up in the early stages of his marriage."
(in, during)

"He is in the advanced stage of cancer."

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