How to Use "Step" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words step (n): the motion used in walking; one of the things to do in order to achieve something; one of the flat platforms on a staircase or ladder


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Used with adjectives:

"My son took small steps toward me."
(small, quick, slow)

"He took careful steps on the frozen lake."
(careful, light)

"I could feel his heavy steps behind me."
(heavy, large)

"She took a huge step toward independence."
(huge, big, considerable, giant, active, positive, bold, dramatic)

"They took an important step to correct the situation."
(important, critical, crucial, decisive, essential, key, major, significant, vital, first, initial, preliminary)

"What's the next step?"
(next, final, last, first)

"We need to take necessary steps to solve the issue."
(necessary, logical, reasonable, immediate)

"She took the front steps to the house."
(front, back)

"He's waiting on the bottom step."
(bottom, top)

Used with verbs:

"I heard his heavy steps on the stairs."

"She took one step forward."
(took, made, went)

"He retraced his steps to find the lost keys."

"Make sure you follow all the steps."

"Watch your step!"

"He ran up the steps of the apartment building."
(ran up, walked up, went up, ran down, walked down, went down)

"My dog was waiting on our front steps."
(be + waiting on, be + sitting on)

"He climbed the steps of the ladder."

Used with prepositions:

"She took a slow step toward him."

"He stood a few steps away from me."

"Having a business plan is the first step in starting a company."
(in, toward, towards)

"My dog waited on the top step."

Study Vocabulary Words step (v): to move your foot forward in a walking position


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Used with adverbs:

"He quickly stepped out of the room."
(quickly, quietly, silently)

"She slowly stepped into the hot bath."

"She carefully stepped over the broken glass."
(carefully, cautiously)

"He boldly stepped onto the stage."

"Please step back."
(back, away, aside, up, outside, inside, forward)

Used with prepositions:

"She stepped across the room."
(across, in, out of)

"He stepped right in front of me."
(in front of)

"The children stepped onto the stage."

Previous Word by Letter: steal
Next Word by Letter: stick
Previous Word by Frequency: require
Next Word by Frequency: successful

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