How to Use "Stock" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words stock (n): a supply of something that is available for sale or use; a financial share in an investment of a company


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Used with adjectives:

"They carry a large stock of computer software."
(large, huge, good, low, adequate)

"The fish market had a fresh stock of seafood."
(fresh, new)

"He invested in domestic stocks."
(domestic, foreign, energy, financial, high-tech, technology, gold, company)

Used with verbs:

"The store carries a huge stock of camping gear."
(carries, has, keeps, holds)

"We purchased stocks in a technology company."
(purchased, acquired, bought, invested in, have, hold, own)

"She had to sell her stocks."
(sell, cash in, trade)

"The stocks are valued at $50,000."
(be + valued)

"Our financial stocks dropped by 20 percent this year."
(dropped, fell, went down, plummeted, plunged, sank, went up, rose, soared)

"He is busy tracking his stocks."
(tracking, checking)

Used with nouns:

"Have you been checking the stock market."
(market, exchange, price)

"The new job included a stock option."

Used with prepositions:

"The camera I want is out of stock."
(out of, in)

"She has about $25,000 in stocks."

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