How to Use "Story" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words story (n): a written or told account about events and imaginary or real people


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Used with adjectives:

"The movie was based on a true story."
(true, real-life, untold, familiar, well-known, popular)

"She told the police a false story about being robbed."
(false, made-up, wild, convincing)

"The teacher told an interesting story in class."
(interesting, fantastic, fascinating, good, great, touching, wonderful)

"The documentary told an amazing story of survival."
(amazing, extraordinary, incredible, remarkable, inspirational, inspiring)

"He told us terrible stories about his childhood."
(terrible, awful, shocking, tragic, depressing, heart-rending, sad, moving)

"My grandfather told us his life story."
(life, success)

"He didn't tell us the entire story."
(entire, whole, full)

"She finally published her short story."
(short, children's)

"I always enjoy adventure stories."
(adventure, Bible, detective, ghost, horror, love, spy, bedtime)

Used with verbs:

"I heard the best story today."
(heard, read)

"He didn't believe her story."

"She tried to retell the story she heard last year."
(retell, recount, tell, share)

"He kept on changing his story."

"The story begins with a child looking for his mother."
(begins, opens, starts)

"The story is titled 'The Three Little Pigs."
(be + titled, be + called)

"The story is based on real life events."
(be + based on, contains)

Used with prepositions:

"According to the story, he became the hero."
(according to)

"I read a story about World War II."

"He told us an inspiring story of survival."

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