How to Use "Strange" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words strange (adj): different from what is usual, normal or expected


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Used with verbs:

"She acted very strange today."
(acted, appeared, looked, sounded, seemed, be: was/were)

"For some reason, the pizza tasted strange."
(tasted, smelled)

"Her child's behavior was considered very strange."
(be + considered, be + thought, be + found, be + regarded as)

Used with adverbs:

"He was acting extremely strange tonight."
(extremely, fairly, very, incredibly)

"He's nice, but a little strange."
(a little, slightly)

Used with prepositions:

"The food tasted strange to us."

Used with nouns:

"He has a strange habit."
(habit, appearance)

"He gave us a strange look."
(look, expression, remark)

"That was a strange idea."
(idea, thought, story, combination, place, request, smell, sound)

"I had a strange dream."
(dream, feeling)

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