How to Use "Stroke" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words stroke (n): a repeated movement with the arm; a serious illness when a blood vessel bursts in the brain


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Used with adjectives:

"The artist paints with long strokes."
(long, short, thick, thin, narrow, bold, even, quick, fast, slow, smooth)

"The tennis player has a strong forehand stroke."
(forehand, backhand)

"The swimmer needs to work on her downward stroke."
(downward, upward)

"He had a massive stroke last month."
(massive, crippling, debilitating, serious, major, minor, mild, slight, fatal, non-fatal)

Used with verbs:

"How many strokes can you do?"
(do, swim)

"She had a major stroke and became paralyzed on one side of her body."
(had, suffered)

"The stroke left him unable to walk."

Used with nouns:

"My grandmother is a stroke survivor."
(survivor, victim, patient)

"He took a stroke prevention seminar."
(prevention, awareness)

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